Are you a survivor of psychopathic or narcissistic abuse? A researcher would like to know about your experiences

Hello. My name is Courtney Humeny and I am a PhD candidate in Cognitive Science at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. I am carrying out an online study on survivors of romantic relationships with psychopathic partners. If you are interested in learning more please see the details below:

Who we are recruiting
The “Emotion, resilience, and post-traumatic growth in domestic abuse survivors” study investigates the outcome of being in an abusive romantic relationship. We are looking for participants (aged over 18) who identify as being in a prior heterosexual abusive romantic relationship. 

Abusive experiences may include verbal/ emotional abuse (i.e., bullying, manipulation), coercion (i.e., intimidation, threats, control of finances, isolation), lying and deceit (i.e., infidelities), and sexual assault. Particularly we are looking for people who identify as being abused by a romantic a partner who displays psychopathic or narcissistic characteristics.

These may include:

Pathological lying (i.e., use of aliases)

• Engaging in infidelities

• Failure to take responsibility for their actions

• Lacks empathy, guilt, and ability to feel deep emotions

• Manipulative and exploitative of others

• Sense of entitlement, grandiose sense of self-worth, or feelings of superiority

• Involvement in criminal activities 

• Impulsive and irresponsible

• Engages in risk taking behaviours (e.g., drug use)

• Being superficially charming

What your participation will involve

If you are interested in participating in the study please follow the link, which is a secure website where you will be asked to make an account with a username and password (no personal or identifying information will be asked, such as your name or address). The study will take approximately 1.5 hours to complete. The website is not compatible with mobile devices or Ipads, please use a computer or laptop.

On the secure website, you will be asked to complete a few questionnaires, a card game where you will select decks to gain as many points as possible, and a task where you will be presented a series of images of male faces and asked what emotion they are expressing.

The questionnaires will include questions on your experiences of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress, experiences of positive growth, and perceptions of interactions with other people (i.e., social support). There will also be questions addressing experiences in the abusive relationship (e.g., onset, type, severity, and length of abuse), and traits of the abuser, such as:

  • Does he or she think it is fun to push people until they get upset?
  • Has been convicted of a serious crime?
  • Does he or she think they can get what they want by telling people what they want to hear? 

Please do not participate if…
1. You identify as CURRENTLY in an abusive relationship. For your safety, we recommend that individuals currently in a relationship not participate in the current study. We worry for participants’ safety if they complete this study while in close physical proximity to their abuser.
2. We ask if you are currently undergoing or have undergone treatment for a gambling problem that you do not participate because the card game is similar to a gambling game.

Some of the questionnaires may address stressful topics. If you wish to withdraw at any time (even skipping a few questions on the questionnaires), you may do so as the study is entirely voluntary and anonymous. There will be no penalization if you decide to withdraw, no matter at what point in the study. You do not have to complete all of the study at one time; you can stop and complete the study at your convenience. There is the possibility that participation in the study may trigger or exacerbate distress.

Participation in the current study is strictly voluntary (there will be no incentive or cash given for participation).

This study has been approved by the Carleton University Research Ethics Board-A (CUREB-A) (103670). 


Copyright © 2015 Survivors Of Psychopaths. All Rights Reserved.


Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy; diminished remorse, and enduring anti social and disinhibited behaviours. Psychopaths, contrary to popular belief, are not …

Source: About

The psychopathic relationship cycle: Idealise, Devalue, Discard

The psychopathic relationship cycle is comprised of three stages:

Idealise. Devalue. Discard.

Psychopaths will invariably repeat this cycle with anyone they become romantically involved with. Please bear in mind that their disordered and cruel behaviour is nothing to do with you, or anything that you did or didn’t do. It’s to do with the psychopath and their personality disorder.



From the very first moment you meet her or him, the psychopath starts to assess you. The whole time you are engaging in conversation with the psychopath they are observing you, mirroring you, and listening intently to what you tell them. You may find that the psychopath takes a flattering interest in you and asks a lot of probing questions about your life. They are very skilled at reading others and as such, they quickly figure out your weaknesses and your insecurities; your strengths and your positive qualities; and your hopes for the future. They suss out any unfulfilled needs you have, and may reveal (false) “personal” details about themselves, thus encouraging you to open up more. They find out everything that they can about you; because it enables them to tailor a false persona that they create specifically for you. Many refer to this as a mask that the psychopath hides behind – which is absolutely true. They deliberately present themselves in a way that they know you will find irresistible. This is why you initially fall for the psychopath -because (s)he seems perfect for you. They embody all the qualities that you want in a partner, and appear to be your mirror image, in a way that is almost too good to be true. They are so similar to you, and so compatible with you, and you can’t believe your luck at having found your soulmate. Psychopaths have lots of these invented personas; and they have different masks that they wear for different audiences.

As you begin to feel closer to the psychopath, (s)he will start to shower you in love and affection. The psychopath places you on a pedastal, flatters your insecurities, and focuses strongly on what they consider to be your best qualities. The psychopath appears to absolutely adore you. The sex is mind blowing and intensely passionate. They text you early in the morning, call you all the time, and maintain near-constant contact with you (be it via text, social media, or some other method when you aren’t physically together). They appear to care deeply about your welfare. You feel like royalty, your confidence is high, you are extremely joyous and happy; and you are completely swept away by this intensely exciting, overwhelmingly romantic, near magical relationship.

The psychopath hurries the relationship along, so that you don’t have much of a chance to take a step back and evaluate the situation. The psychopath engages in “future faking”, which is basically the act of pumping you full of lies and phoney promises about a fantastic future the pair of you will supposedly enjoy together. It’s like a dream come true. This behaviour of bombarding you with affection is a common and effective tactic that psychopaths use called “lovebombing”. You grow accustomed to this amazing treatment, and bond deeply with your fantastic new lover. Unbeknownst to you; this bond is one sided and experienced only on your part. It is called the “psychopathic bond”.



Once the psychopathic bond is established, and you are hooked on the psychopath, the Devalue stage commences. (S)he does not contact you as much as they used to. Their replies become colder and more curt, and you begin to feel a bit like a chore. They rarely call you by the cutesy pet names they came up with for you. You have been knocked off balance. The psychopath starts to criticise and belittle you and everything about you, even the things that they initially professed to “love” about you. These barbs usually start off as backhanded compliments, and will frequently be passed off as “advice”. The psychopath blames their deflection on you, and you wonder what you can do to fix the relationship and restore the blissful “honeymoon” period of the Idealise phase. There is a heap of uncertainty; and the relationship starts to feel one sided, as though you’re the only party who is working to keep it afloat. The truth of the situation is that when you enter the Devalue phase, the psychopath already has their Discard plans in place; and probably has already secured a new target to replace you. While you’re trying to “fix” the relationship, or “fix” yourself, the psychopath is courting others as they courted you in the beginning. It’s all about the thrill of the chase and the seduction, the excitement of creating a new mask and tricking someone else into a relationship. As far as the psychopath is concerned, your novelty value wore off a while ago, which seems insane, considering that you’re still feeling the thrill of the honeymoon period.

The psychopath will start vanishing frequently, and subjecting you to the silent treatment. The silent treatement is torture. You’ll notice that the psychopath is active online, chatting away to people, but completely ignoring you. You’ll feel as though you don’t exist, and you’ll have no idea where you stand with your abuser. Thoughts that go through your mind may include “has (s)he broken it off with me?” and “I’m not even worth acknowledging”. One of the worst parts of the silent treatment is that it tends to be inflicted upon you for little to no reason; often for a petty or imagined misdemeanour, such as “inconveniencing” the psychopath with your emotions, after they have upset you. Eventually, you learn to never disagree with your abuser, to never question their whereabouts, and to never express your emotions. You bottle up your feelings, and become conditioned to accept more and more mistreatment without protest. You become grateful for the crumbs of their company, and the psychopath will start to manipulate and control you more.

The psychopath will always dismiss your concerns and feelings as “drama”. (S)he will push you to the brink of suicide with their mistreatment and false allegations, and then tell you that you are crazy and unstable when you react to their abuse. If you call them out for blatantly flirting with others, you are branded possessive and paranoid. The psychopath will bully you and antagonize you, and then punish you for the intense reactions that they provoke from you. No matter what they’ve done, it is always “your fault”. You wonder whether there is something wrong with your lover, but then they do something so sweet that you wonder if you’re going mad. You can’t reconcile the horrible things your psychopath is doing with the image of the lovely person they appeared to be initially, and yet it’s hard to recognise them as the abuser that they are, because they don’t raise their hand to you. They may not even raise their voice to you. This is cognitive dissonance creeping in.

This sort of abuse is atmospheric, hard to explain, and near impossible to prove. When it goes on for long enough, you stop trusting your own perceptions and abilities. You become dependent on the abuser. At some point, you start to suspect that the psychopath is dating someone else. Usually, you are right to suspect this. The psychopath is always on the lookout for “fresh meat”, and may juggle many partners at once. They find this exciting. While the psychopath is spending time with you, (s)he is probably giving someone else the silent treatment, and vice versa. By now, you are experiencing extreme emotional neglect and psychological torture. The psychopath makes it plain that they have lost all interest in you, and may be withholding sex, but (s)he continues to keep you around because they enjoy stringing you along and watching you suffer. They may even be complaining about your supposed “mistreatment” of them to their new target, in order to gain their sympathy. Furthermore, the psychopath may be laying down the groundwork for a smear campaign, by telling anyone who will listen that you are unstable and neurotic – perhaps even flashing your desperate text messages as “evidence” of this.



A new target is secured and the psychopath has decided that they have got everything that (s)he can get from you. The psychopath discards you suddenly, in the most callous way that (s)he can. You are left blindsided and devastated by the sudden severing of the relationship. You are in an agony of confused bewilderment; desperately searching for answers to all your questions, and struggling to understand why the psychopath clearly hates you so much. You are shocked. There is no closure, and you can’t tell whether the relationship is really over or if this is another silent treatment. You feel empty, hollowed out, completely torn apart and shaken. You obsess about it; trying to work out when, how, and why everything went so disastrously wrong. You oscillate between hating yourself and hating your psychopath.

Your attempts to contact the psychopath are fruitless: you are now dead to him or her. It’s as though the two of you never had a relationship at all. You may see, or hear about, your psychopath bragging all over social media about how happy they are with his new target. This is gutwrenching. You are now one of their many “crazy” exes, and (s)he will happily slander your name all over town. This is called a smear campaign; and unbeknownst to you, this may have been in the works for a while. Thus, when the relationship is over, and you try to convince people that the psychopath is the crazy one, nobody will believe you…because the psychopath has been drip feeding them lies about your mental state for weeks or months. The more you plead for understanding, the more you are perceived as a disturbed individual. Your suffering is indescribable, and yet nobody seems to understand. You know that this relationship wasn’t a normal one, but the confusion that you feel in this moment is nothing compared to what happens next. Which is:

Learning about psychopathy, and coming to understand that the love of your life did not love you; and in fact: isn’t even capable of love. 


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Copyright © 2015 Survivors of Psychopaths. All Rights Reserved.

Three common misconceptions about psychopaths

Three common misconceptions about psychopaths

Misconception: Psychopathy and criminality are synonymous – prisons are full of psychopaths! 


This just isn’t true – psychopathy frequently occurs in the absence of any criminal behaviour, and many have no history of crime or violence, but their lack of empathy and their need for control WILL result in them harming you in other ways.

Misconception: Psychopaths are insane. 


No. Psychopaths tend to be rational, free of any delusional thought, and very often appear to be “normal”. There is a huge difference between psychosis and psychopathy. The former manifests itself through a loss of contact with reality; whereas the latter does not. Psychopaths know what they’re doing, and understand that their misdeeds are frowned upon by society – but they just can’t care.

Misconception: Psychopaths can’t help the way that they act. 


Oh, yes, they can. Psychopaths understand the difference between right and wrong, and make conscious decisions to go against what is right and moral. Their disorder does not impact on their ability to make decisions. They understand the consequences of their actions, but choose to disregard them. The psychopath cares about self gratification, not societal norms or the feelings of others.


Copyright © 2015 Survivors of Psychopaths. All Rights Reserved.



What is psychopathy?

What is psychopathy?

Psychopathy is a poorly understood concept that often evokes images of notorious serial killers in the minds of the public at large. It is traditionally defined as a distinctive personality disorder that is characterized by superficial charm; dishonesty; callousness; diminished empathy; lack of foresight; lack of fear, guilt, and remorse; lack of anxiety; and excitement seeking.

Psychopathy is diagnosable by the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R). PCL-R, developed by Dr Robert Hare in the early 1990s, is a psychological assessment and diagnostic tool comprised of a 20-item inventory of recorded behaviours and perceived personality traits. It was originally designed to measure levels of psychopathic tendencies in accused or convicted criminals. An alternative version was developed in 1996 by Lilienfeld and Andrews, called the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI), but the PCL-R remains the most commonly used. The twenty traits assessed by the PCL-R score are:

  • glib and superficial charm
  • grandiose sense of self
  • need for stimulation
  • pathological lying
  • cunning and manipulativeness
  • lack of remorse or guilt
  • shallow affect
  • callousness and lack of empathy
  • poor behavioural controls
  • sexual promiscuity
  • early behaviour problems 
  • lack of realistic, long term goals
  • impulsivity 
  • irresponsibility
  • failure to accept responsibility for own actions
  • many short term marital relationships
  • juvenile delinquency
  • revocation of conditional release 
  • criminal versatility 

Psychopaths are social predators, and masters of deception, who casually victimize others as naturally and as thoughtlessly as you and I blink. They con, lie, and cheat to get what they want; without ever experiencing a microsecond of guilt, regret, or remorse. Psychopaths will always rationalise and minimise their misdeeds; because as far as they’re concerned they are justified in their actions. They simply are not capable of caring, for they don’t have the capacity to care. They don’t identify with our emotional pain, but they do enjoy it and feed off of it. They can’t understand empathy, compassion, or sympathy – and they usually don’t want to. Psychopaths see these qualities as weaknesses to be exploited in any cruel way imaginable. What the psychopath CAN do is pretend to feel these emotions him/herself, through the use of “mirroring” and mimicry. This “mask of normality” is what allows the psychopath to move through society undetected, which invariably ends in disastrous results for those who happen to encounter the psychopath. 

PCL-R from: Hare R. D. (1993). Without conscience: The disturbing world of the psychopaths among us. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.

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Psychopathic abuse is NOT your fault


Abuse is caused by abusers.


Regardless of whether you’re “weak”, “codependent”, “clingy”, “damaged” or any other label that victim blamers want to pin on you. ABUSE IS ALWAYS CAUSED BY ABUSERS. 

Your abuse was not caused by anything you did, or anything that you are. Your abuse is something that happened to you. It is not something that you allowed; it is something that happened to you. Abusers of all varieties – not just the psychopathic kind – love it when we assume responsibility for the things they did to us. Don’t give them the satisfaction. It was the abuser who was in the wrong, all the way down the line – no matter how many victim blamers say otherwise.


Copyright © 2015 Survivors of Psychopaths. All Rights Reserved.

Psychopathic abuse is an insidious killer

1448836976417Psychopathic abuse kills. 

If not physically; then mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. We will never know exactly how many suicides have been a consequence of psychopathic abuse – one of the most lethal and misunderstood forms of abuse. What we do know is that psychopathic abuse robs far too many people of their joy, peace, and self esteem. Many targets of this abuse fear that they have lost, or about to lose, their minds. Some lose their homes, jobs, friends, and children. How many targets have lost their lives to suicide as a result of psychopathic abuse?


Copyright © 2015 Survivors of Psychopaths. All Rights Reserved.

I survived psychopathic abuse. You can too

My very first post!

Hello, readers.

First of all, thank you for reading. Starting a blog is something that I’ve been considering doing for a long time. For ages; I believed that nobody would want to read, or would believe, what I have to say. Now I realise how very important it is to me that I get my story out there. Psychopathic abuse and the aftermath of these “relationships” that psychopaths lure their victims into are very real issues that are misunderstood. They are swept under the rug in many cases. This needs to stop.

I was abused by a psychopath, who was many years older than me. This nightmare went on for over a year, and it was the darkest period of my life. When the dictatorship…errr…”relationship” ended, and I was discarded in true pathological fashion, nobody wanted to know about what had happened to me. So called friends laughed at me, minimised my experiences, and dismissed them as “not that bad”. I was told I had “chosen” abuse. That I must have enjoyed it. That I must be weak, needy, desperate, damaged, and masochistic to have “allowed” it. That I must be “co-dependent”. That I was at fault, and that they found it hard to believe me.

I maintain to this very day that the rejection and ridicule I was met with in the aftermath of my disastrous relationship was as damaging as the abuse the psychopath subjected me to. It compounded all the shame, confusion, and despair that I was already suffering. It seemed to validate certain things my abuser had told me, which made me wonder if he had been onto something when he called me unstable. I believe that this reaction was a contributing factor to me developing PTSD.

I can recall some of the things that were said to me back then and still feel sick about them. They shook me to the core. I believe that no survivor should have their pain minimised and belittled. I believe that no survivor should have doubt cast upon their story. I believe that all survivors deserve compassion, respect, and understanding. Not victim blaming.

Abuse survivors are stronger together. When we all raise our voices as one, we make so much noise that people are forced to notice us. The aim of my blog is to bring abuse survivors together, particularly survivors of psychopathy, and to raise awareness. Why am I especially focused on psychopathic abuse? Because it is so misunderstood. Coercive control destroys lives, yet it is so difficult to prove. We’ll never know how many suicides have been a direct result of this particularly cruel form of psychological torture.

I’m getting my life back together now. There were times when I thought I was going to die, and indeed, WANTED to. It took a LOT of hard work to get myself back on my feet. I hoped I could get through this bone chilling PTSD, and still be intact enough to lead some sort of human existence, but I realised that if I wanted to recover then I would have to be an active participant in my recovery. It was something that I would have to force. I wasn’t at all sure I had the inclination, or the energy. I was at a crossroads. It came down to two choices:

a) Lie down and die


b) Get up and fight.

It sounds very simplistic, and dramatic, but that is truly what it came down to. It was not the sort of thing that was going to resolve itself naturally. I had to make it happen, but I didn’t know where to start when I could barely function.

I was beyond broken. Every part of me had been smashed into small pieces. Nothing made sense anymore, and nothing in my world could be taken for granted as credible and safe anymore. I challenged everything around me. My identity and self esteem had been assimilated, chewed up, and spat back out. Who was I? What was the point of me? I knew I had been abused, but the full extent of the abuse eluded me. Educating myself about psychopathy was a revelation. It killed me to realise that my abuser never loved me, and had put on a phoney persona and pretended to care just so he could get me where he wanted me; which was: Under. His. Thumb. But knowledge is power, and reading about psychopathic abuse and realising I was NOT alone, helped me a great deal in the long run.

Every day was marred by fear, chronic worry, and a feeling of detached deadness that made me feel like an alien. I felt as though nobody could relate, that I was forever alone, and that my troubles were a burden to others around me. I was deeply depressed. I couldn’t trust anybody. I couldn’t trust my own perceptions. The world appeared to be against me. Cognitive Dissonance kept me swinging from one extreme to the other: “I love my abuser”. “No, I hate him”. ” I love him AND hate him”. My interactions with others ended with me feeling either especially sad (because I considered myself to not be human anymore), or especially angry; with me lashing out at them over something they said, or did, that had inadvertantly triggered me. Friends started to drop like flies.

I missed my abuser so much. I missed him unashamedly, and without any pride or pretence. I freely admitted that I felt like I was nothing without him; and that his abuse, his discard, the lack of support I received, and the psychopath revelations were killing me. But very, very gradually, after what seemed like decades, I found myself being able to wake up in the morning and NOT think of my abuser very first thing. Nope. Now he was relegated to second thing, or even third thing. Yes, these were baby steps. But like they say: “every journey starts with a single step”.

I went to the doctor..and found myself being laughed at. He referred me to a local domestic abuse service, who sighed at me, and didn’t want to have any truck with someone who had “only” been emotionally and sexually abused. This set me back several hundred steps. NOBODY UNDERSTOOD, I was sure of it! After several more months of mental anguish, I eventually found myself a decent domestic abuse servive, and a decent therapist.


Recovery involved digging through several layers of trauma that pre-dated my abuser. It involved exploring my feelings, setting boundaries, and building my confidence. It was a struggle that involved many arguments, panic attacks, and tears; but my new friends understood what I was going through. THEY UNDERSTOOD! They held my hand and led me towards the light at the end of the tunnel. I know, I know – cringe time, cliché alert. But in this case, the old cliché works perfectly.

I got involved in helping other survivors. There was something incredibly fulfilling about helping someone who wasn’t as far along in her recovery journey as I was. I loved volunteering, it gave my life purpose again. I’m now a coordinator of a group that trains domestic abuse services and supports survivors. Yes, I have very bad days. Dreadful, in fact. But they pass. Now I know that a few sparks inside of me must have survived throughout everything that happened; enabling me to get through those first few months, when I was contemplating gulping down a load of pills and ending it all. I believe that those sparks have now burst into flames and passion burns inside me once more. A passion for life. A passion to prevent anyone else feeling the way that I was made to, when I had just been through the unimaginable hell of loving a psychopath.

You are not alone.


Copyright © 2015 Survivors of Psychopaths. All Rights Reserved.